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  • Wednesday, September 16, 2009 5:44 AM

    Hello everyone!!
    Ramadan is going to end soon, in 3 day time...
    so, pray hard and study hard too...
    there is still 15 more days to the next paper...
    wish u all best of luck!!!

    today me and khai have fun making the last special thing for our teacher and our classmates...
    well im not going to tell you, just wait and see...

    when we cry, we will do it together...
    if we are sad, we are there to make you happy...
    hope that our last days in school will be the best one ever!!!
    im never going to let any of my friend get hurt..
    im going to love them, care for them and be nice to them as well...
    im really happy and sad at the same time..
    just want thing to get better..
    i just cant face it...
    i will be hurt to leave you guys...
    such a great friends from sec 1 to sec 4...
    never going to forget bout you!!!

    im going to miss SPX the most...
    he will always cheer me up!!!
    i still remember, when we went for OBS camp, we were in the same group..
    when we do sea tracking, we did had a lot of fun!!!
    it like crazy to be with him now!!!
    he is such a good person to talk to...
    but sometime no...
    im going to miss u very much...
    i will never forget you,
    thanks for being a great friend...

    well im going to miss SMT-Forever...

    im going to miss cheryl very much..
    we spent everyday together in class..
    when we are at home, we make phone calls every times..
    we are call Precious...
    her SMT name is C...

    im also going to miss wei ping...
    we will always gossip in class..
    we share secret together...
    we are call Taitai...
    her SMT name is En...

    im also going to miss herna...
    we always talk bout her boyfrn...
    we also talk bout CE and SPX...
    we will always sit together in malay class..
    her SMT name is Nana..
    her korean name is Sora...

    im also going to miss chitra...
    we will always talk bout how to get number 1 for science...
    she also a good frn that like to make funny faces...
    well she and jasmie are only good friend...
    her SMT name is Poo..
    her korean mane is sun young...

    im also going to miss jasmie...
    he is a good friend of mine...
    he like to disturb me about my cute eyes...
    and like to disturb my CE and SPX...
    i always tell him my secret...
    we are always together...
    even in VANITY...
    but now there are no more VANITY coz we all broke into other groups...
    how sad...
    but no matter what happen, we will still love each other very much!!!

    love Ji Eun aka YuuRi...
    my SMT name is IU...

  • Saturday, September 5, 2009 12:30 AM

    Wa today so hot!!!
    i wash car until i get sick of washing car!!!
    The day is sunny and hot so i must dirnk more water, but im FASTING!!!
    so sad... =(
    but i am bored at home..
    and my N level exam is on monday the 7...
    So fast rite!!
    and i just cant wait for HARI RAYA!!
    But, i have exam on the 14 days of hari raya...
    and i can only celebrate hari raya for only TWO days coz i need to study
    for my EBS paper,SCIENCE paper and MATH paper...
    Then on october 8 then i can celebrate the last day of exam and i can go out for
    hari raya...
    I just hope that i can get into the best ite school...
    coz i want to become a doctor...
    and i need to pass EL,MATH AND SCIENCE...
    i must get all of this at least an A or B!!!
    Dont worry i will do my best for N level..
    hope that SMT-Forever will be friends forever!!!
    haahh. hope so!!
    oh yah, i also have a new group..
    it is called SHINee...
    there are only two member in this group...
    still finding people to join this new group...
    well anybody can join this new group..
    but im finding people from my school to join it..
    i wish best of luck for those people who are having their O level or N level
    to pass it with flying colours!!
    love YuuRi...
    Sarang hae yo!

  • Wednesday, September 2, 2009 10:33 PM

    Sorry I have not UPDATE my blog recently..
    And im enjoying live in school this days..
    Fasting month has started...
    so for the malay people, please do fast!!!

    SaRaNg HaE Yo!!!

  • Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:24 AM

    14 August 2009- There are Fireworks at city hall!!! To countdown for 365 days to youth olympic games!!! wow!! The Fireworks are great!!! Hope you guys have seen the Fireworks!!!
    -Love YuuRi =)

  • Monday, May 25, 2009 7:27 AM

    YuuRi HeRe..
    ToDaY I WeNt SwImMiNg WiTh My FaMiLy...
    aFtEr ThAt We eAt At Takka MaRKET aT lItTlE iNdIa...
    ThE nAsI BeRaNi Is So NiCe...
    i LoVe It...
    ThEn I wEnT tO WeSt CoAsT pLaZa To DrInK cOfFeE aT sTArBuCkS...
    mY mUm TrY tHe GrEeN TeA cOfFee , SiS tRy ........ , SoRrY FoR gEt ThE nAmE LiAo...
    sO NiCE...
    lOvE iT...
    tOdAy AfTeR ScHoOl GoT cOuNcILloR...
    N iT iS tHe 2 lAsT tImE bEfORe THe DaY...
    tmR i WiLl sTeP dOwN frOm CoUnCiLlOr....
    I Am SaD...
    i Am GoInG eMo...
    i CaLL mY cOuNcIlLoR tEaChErS 'mUmMy'...
    ThEn ToDaY mE aNd MY sEc 2 Joke ArOuNd....
    sO fUNNy...
    I tAlK tO tHeM in KoReAn...
    tHeN aLL tHe SeC 4 TaKe A lOt Of PiCTuRe....
    wE All ArE LiKe So HaPpY!!!
    bUt We aRe SaD>>>
    wHt To Do...
    ThEn We nEeD tO dO tHe ReHERSAL...
    ThE sOnG sO sAd!!!!
    I aM gOinG tO cRy SoOn...
    TmR sUrE i WiLl cRy...
    I dOnT nO wHY...
    CoZ iT iS lIkE sOmEOnE pAsS AwAy....
    TmR sUrE I eMo....
    tHaT aLL 4 tOdAy...
    LoVe YuuRi...

  • Saturday, May 23, 2009 8:12 AM

    YuuRi HeRe...
    SoRrY THaT i hAvE nOt UpDaTe My BlOg...
    toDaY nO sChOol...
    CoZ mArKiNg DaY!!!
    hAppY LOr!!!
    tOdAy I gOt MoDeL cAtWaLk with My ClAssMaTeS fRoM fAsHiOn DeSigN cLaSS....
    mY pArTnEr Is WiNNE...
    tHe TeAcHER SaY wE LoOK lIkE cOuPlE...
    NoW iS tHE aWaRd GiViNg...
    3rd iS aMiRaH (yUyUn PuKiSwIt)
    2nd Is JaSmIe (AmIe SiaW)
    1ST mE,, YuuRi (YuuRi CaSSAnOvA)
    lOl, VeRy PaIsEi lOr....
    i DiD nOt No I wIlL WiN...
    i GoT tHe BeSt TrAiNee AwArD tOO...
    ThEn Go aNd EaT aT tHe MaRkEt WiTh ChErYl AnD wInNe...
    ThEn Go HoMe LiAo...
    ToDaY aFtEr ScHoOl GoT cOuNcIlLoR....
    ThEn MiSs lIm CaUgHt My HaIr...
    ShE sAy ItS tOo lOnG...
    ThEn ShE aSk mE, 'HoW Is YoUr ExAm??'
    tHeN i sAy, ' I PaSs aLL bUt FaIl MaTh anD sCiEnCe....
    ThEn ShE jUsT gO aWaY...
    So sAd , i aM gOiNg To StEp dOwN fRoM cOuNcIl...
    nExT tUeSdAy I WiLL sTeP dOwG..
    mISs All ThE mEmOrY I HaD fRoM sEc 2 To SeC 4...
    HaHaHa, CrYiNg SoOn...
    I tEll MiSs GoH, cAn i DoNt StEp DoWn ???
    CaN i bE sEc 3 aGAIn???
    sHe SaY onCe yOu BeCoMe A CoUnCiLlOr YoU aRe A cOuNcIlLoR 4EvEr!!!
    tHeN i sMiLe...
    tHeN i NeVeR gO fOr My NaFa tesT.....
    cOz LeG pAiN....
    tOdAy I GeT dEtEnSiOn for NoT cOmMiNg To My NaFa tEsT YtD...
    He SAy If GoT lEg PaIn WhY nEvEr tEll HiM...
    ThEn I SaY SORRY...
    ThEn MuSt StAy TheRe FoR 1hOuR...
    i aM sIcK oF tHiS dEtENsIoN...
    cOz iN mY 4 yEaRs LiFe ThIs Is My 2Nd DeTeNsIoN.....
    ThEn hE gIvE mE hIs UnHaPpY fAcE To Me..
    tHeN i sAy SoRrY aND gO hOmE....
    vErY tIrEd...
    CoZ lEg PaIn...
    ToDaY i DiD nOt Go FoR mY cOuNcILloR cOz I Am SiCk...
    ThEn I Go JoGgInG wItH mY fRiEnDs...
    JoGgInG cAn bE very Fun!!!
    MaKe Me FeEl bEtteR...
    ThEn On MoNdAy CaN gO ScHoOl lIao...
    tHeN i WeNt ViTh mY gRoUp...
    oNlY mE, aIiRuL, NaNa AnD aMiE...
    wE AlSo HaVe PhOtO sHoOt ThErE!!!
    So fUn....
    I aM tHe OnLy LuCkY oNe ThaT gEt To TaKe A PiC wItH tHE bUTtErFlY...
    i WiLl pOsT tHe pIcTuRe SooN!!
    tHeN gO hOmE sO tIrEd...
    ThAt ALL 4 ToDaY...
    LoVe YuuRi...

  • Monday, May 18, 2009 7:44 AM

    유리 HeRe..
    ToDaY iS mY lAsT pApEr for mid yEaR!!!
    AfTeR sChOol I wEnT tO wEsT cOaSt PaRk TO eAt BrEaKfAsT...
    ME ,JaSmIe,ChErYl AnD Mr SuSu WeNt To EaT TogEtHeR..
    lOl So FuN..
    aFtEr we hAvE BuY ouR bReAkFaSt,
    A LoT of KeNt rIdEg sTuDeNt CaMe IN!!!
    It Is LiKe KeNt rIdGe CaFe AnD mAcDoNaL...
    ThEn jInX aNd hIs FrIeNdS cAmE iN...
    hE AlSo EaT bReAkFaSt At MaCdOnAl!!!
    tHEn aFtEr wE eaT we wEnT OuTsIdE to pLaY gAmEs...
    WE HaVe A loT Of FuN tOgEtHeR..
    tHeN gOt TwO sIsTeRs FeLL DoWn NeAr THe StOnE rOcK..
    1sT hEr sMaLL SiStEr FeLL dOwN fIrSt..
    tHeN sHe TeLL hEr BIG SIS nOt To gO dOwN..
    aND sHe SaY tHaT tHe AlGeY iS tHeRe On ThE sToNe RoCk..
    THeN Her sTuPiD bIg SiS gO dOwN n FALL!!!
    So FuNnY!!!
    tHeN hEr bIg SiS sAy 'WhAt Is AlGeY???'
    hEr bIg SiS iS sEc 4!!!
    AlGeY aLsO dOnT nO???
    bUt We hAvE tHe bEsT oF oUr TiME tOdAy...
    when I wanT tO gO hOmE iT rAiN....
    tHeN a cAr CaMe N SPlAsH Me WiTh tHe RaIn WaTeR!!!
    ThEn I FeLL dOwN AnD mY lEg WaS iN PaIn..
    tHeN mY aNgLe CaMe DoWn FrOm HaVeN...
    a kOrEaN gUy AsK mE tO sHaRe hIs UmBrella WiTh hIm..
    He SpEaK tO ME In kOrEaN...
    tHeN hE GiVe Me HiS uMbReLlA aNd He RaN tO ThE bAsE HoUsE tO gEt HiS cAr...
    ThEn I SaY tHaNk YoU..
    iN kOrEan 'KaMsAhAmIdA'
    tHeN i WeNt HoMe WiTh My LeG iN pIaN...
    mY lEg LiKe WaNt To BrEaK lIkE tHAT..
    tHeN wHeN i rEaCh HoMe ..
    I gO aNd BaTh aNd ReLaX...
    NoW sTill mY lEg Is In PAiN!!!
    tHaT aLl 4 tODaY...
    lOvE Mr. 유리


    music code here.

  • Hello everyone!!Ramadan is going to end soon, in 3...
  • Wa today so hot!!! i wash car until i get sick of ...
  • Sorry I have not UPDATE my blog recently..And im e...
  • 14 August 2009- There are Fireworks at city hall!!...
  • AnnYeong!!!YuuRi HeRe.. 24.5.2009ToDaY I WeNt SwI...
  • Annyeong!!!YuuRi HeRe...SoRrY THaT i hAvE nOt UpDa...
  • AnnYeong!!! 유리 HeRe..ToDaY iS mY lAsT pApEr for mi...
  • AnnYeOnG!!! 유리 hErE...wEll i DiD NoT SlP iN tHe Mo...
  • Hello everyone!The name is yuuri...but you can cal...


    Name: Yuuri.
    Age: 16.
    School: Kent Ridge sec.
    Horoscope: Pices.
    Birthday: 3rd March 1993.

    Pass all subjects.
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    WenXiong ; Classmate
    Winnie ; Taitai
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